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Loving Lions Room


2 Year Olds

Our Two-year-old Program is designed to meet the individual needs of children age 2-3.


Parents know immediately what their kiddo is doing during the day. They don’t have to wait for the end of the day to find out what happened. They can connect to their account anytime using the daily connect app, whether they are at work, at home or away on a trip. It reduces the anxiety of being away from the child not knowing what’s happening. Classroom lesson plans and the daily menu are posted in each room.


Toilet Training

Our teacher provides a variety of developmentally appropriate activities and materials that are selected to emphasize concrete hands on learning and to achieve the following curriculum goals:

As in all areas of development, Safari’s philosophy of individualized care also applies to toilet training. When a two-year-old begins to show an interest, and has the verbal skills necessary to express their toileting needs, we work in collaboration with the child and their parents on toilet training. Our bathrooms are equipped with child-sized toilets for easier access for the children.


2 Year Old Curriculum Goals
Are As Follows

  • To foster a positive identity and a sense of well-being

  • To allow two’s to feed themselves and encourage their development of self-help skills when ready

  • To develop social skills by encouraging language development and redirecting children to help guide them toward controlling their own behavior

  • To encourage the child to think, reason, question, and experiment

  • To provide an appropriately challenging, safe environment for your child to explore and manipulate

  • To provide daily opportunities for exploratory activity indoors and outdoors

  • To encourage child’s attempts at language

  • To enhance a child’s physical development and skills

  • To encourage and demonstrate sound health, safety, and nutritional practices

  • Diaper changing, toilet training, eating, and dressing are viewed as vital learning experiences

  • To encourage creative expression, representation, and appreciation for the arts

  • Children are expected to explore and manipulate art materials, not create a product

Things to Remember on Your Child's First Day

  • Complete and return all required forms to a center director.

  • Have proof of a completed physical and immunization records.

  • Bring diapers, extra clothes and any soothing object (Blanket etc)

  • Bring any over-the-counter items your child may potentially need. (diaper ointment, fever reducer…)

  • Feel free to call at any time to check in. We want this day to be as comfortable as possible for both you and your child!


Call Us: 712-338-2731 | 403 P Ave. Milford, Iowa 51351

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