Our Programs
Food Program
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a Federal program that ensures healthy meals and snacks are provided to children while attending centers that are approved for the program. Safari follows nutritional guidelines set by the USDA; all of Safari's meals are homemade (including our baby food) and served family style.

Our Meals Include
Breakfast consists of a serving of milk, fruits or vegetables, and a grain or bread.
Lunch is made up of milk, grains or bread, meat or meat alternative, and two servings of fruits or vegetables.
Afternoon snack which includes two of the four components: milk, fruits/vegetables, grain/bread, or meat/meat alternative.
The Iowa Quality For Kids is program that offers providers a guided way to improve the quality of child care they provide.
It is a 1-5 scale requiring providers to meet specific standards in the:
Professional Development
Health and Safety
Family and Community Partnership
Leadership and Administration​
For more information on Iowa’s QRS, visit the website.
​Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) was established by the Office of Special Education Programs and the US Department of Education to give schools capacity-building information and technical assistance for identifying, adapting, and sustaining effective school-wide disciplinary practices.

Rather than simply disciplining negative behaviors, we try to prevent them by acknowledging and encouraging appropriate behavior. Not only does this teach children that making good choices results in good things, but it also encourages respect for others and increases self-esteem.
For more information, visit: http://www.pbis.org