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Happy Hippos Room



Our Infant Program is designed to meet the individual needs and scheduling of infants 4 weeks to 12 months.  Safari provides your choice of formula and wipes.  All of our baby food is homemade or canned organic.


Parents know immediately what their kiddo is doing during the day. They don’t have to wait for the end of the day to find out what happened. They can connect to their account anytime using the Brightwheel app, whether they are at work, at home or away on a trip. It reduces the anxiety of being away from the child not knowing what’s happening.   

Parents can also enter information when the baby is at home. For instance when the baby woke up in the morning before going to Safari. Safari staff will also have access to this information.

The information from previous days is easily accessible. Parents and caregivers can easily see what happened the previous day to find out if new patterns are emerging. They can also see what activity the child has done the previous day to develop a new activity or a new skill the next day.


​The Infant Program curriculum at Safari Child is developmentally appropriate. We use specific guidelines for what activities are appropriate for each stage of development. Staff will also take into consideration each infant’s individual personality, temperament, and stage of development. Lesson plans are individualized for each baby. Our daily program has activities that will allow your infant time to grow, as well as explore, experiment, discover and play.


Infant Curriculum Goals
Are As Follows

  • To provide infants with many one-on-one, face-to-face interactions. All interactions are characterized by gentle and supportive responses

  • To foster infants with a positive identity, and sense of well-being by rocking, holding and cuddling

  • To allow infants to achieve mastery of their bodies through self-initiated motor skills such as rolling, sitting, standing, etc.

  • To encourage infants to think, reason, question and experiment. One way to encourage this is to provide simple toys that respond to infant’s initiations, so they may witness cause and effect

  • To encourage language and literacy development

  • To enhance physical development skills by allowing infants to move comfortably and by providing open carpeted areas and low, sturdy furniture

  • To provide regular outdoor experiences

  • To encourage creative expression through music, activities & art

  • To incorporate routine tasks such as eating, diapering, etc., as a means for furthering an infant’s learning, self-help and social skills

Things to Remember on Your Child's First Day

  • Complete and return all required forms to a center director.

  • Have proof of a completed physical and immunization records.

  • Bring diapers, extra clothes, and any self-soothers (pacifier, blanket, etc)

  • Bring any over-the-counter items your toddler may potentially need. (Diaper ointment, fever reducer…)


Call Us: 712-338-2731 | 403 P Ave. Milford, Iowa 51351

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